东营_詹妮弗一周运势/爱情运(2014.1.27 ~ 2014.2.2)_胜利社区_东营论坛_谈婚论嫁



詹妮弗一周运势/爱情运(2014.1.27 ~ 2014.2.2)

发表于 2014-1-24 17:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自:山东省


Try to be open to embracing a broader point of view as you work to improve your love life. Grab a self-help book, see a therapist, or talk to an expert. The sun says you need to bring in some fresh ideas and new perspectives to really understand what's going on.



You're expanding your social circle as the moon makes you more outgoing than ever. You'll be entertaining clients, doing networking, and discovering that there are loads of people out there who find you enormously attractive. Things are looking up.



This week you could come up with a creative way to save a relationship. Maybe you and your honey have had some huge disagreements, but you've figured out a good compromise. The sun is filling your head with solutions to long-standing problems.



You could be very thin-skinned this week, taking other people's negative comments way too personally. Blame the moon for making you super-sensitive. This is a good time to hang out with loving, generous people who appreciate the real you.



With the sun opposite your sign, you could feel like you're going backwards instead of forwards. But really, this is just a good time to take a look at what happened in the past so you can make better future choices with life and with love.



Your physical energy could be low right now, so be extra careful to get enough rest and take in some decent nutrition. A moon opposition is creating an energy lag, and you might feel down or depressed. Don't let a bad mood spoil good times with your sweetheart.



Things are starting to move forward in your love life. Maybe you and your honey are taking things to the next level in your romance. Mars is encouraging you to follow your heart and work to build a brighter future in the best way possible.



You have a lot going on right now, and the moon could make it difficult for you to remain focused. Just remember, you can't be everywhere at once. And you can't be everything to everybody. You might need to spend less time with your honey while you tend to outside business.



The moon is bringing you some clarity about a puzzling personal situation. Maybe you're finally figuring out what motivated your ex to indulge in some bad behaviors. Or maybe you're discovering how to heal an addiction in your own life.



You're making progress with your romantic relationship as Venus keeps bringing you healing energy. If you had some ups and downs with your honey, expect more ups at this time. You'll feel more committed and connected to that special someone.


本次新月位于水瓶座,它会为你带来很多积极正面的氛围。你也许将会举办一次聚会,表演一个节目,或者用别出心裁的方式在两性关系上取悦你的伴侣。(....害羞中,这么直白真的好么= =)你会做一些使你能够表达你的具有创造力的天性的事情。

A new moon in your sign is giving you loads of positive vibes. You'll want to hold a party, give a performance, or pleasure your partner in the bedroom in inventive ways. Do something that allows you to express that creative nature.



Saturn is helping you to fix things that weren't working before. Maybe you're doing actual reconstruction of your home. Or perhaps you're plumbing the emotional depths of a relationship, figuring out how to heal old wounds.


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