东营_Jonathan Cainer约纳逊0126-0201爱情周运_胜利社区_东营论坛_谈婚论嫁



Jonathan Cainer约纳逊0126-0201爱情周运

发表于 2014-1-27 02:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自:山东省
Sometimes, it is OK for things to be less than OK. We have, in our minds, an unrealistic expectation. We think everything ought to be perfect. If it isn't, we figure we must be doing something wrong. But we live on a planet where nothing is without fault. Nothing.... and nobody! What counts, in the end, is not how you manage to make things right. It's how you manage to live with the fact that some things will always be a bit wrong. You are doing your best now in your emotional life. Have no fear. This is more than good enough.


Think about your favourite chair, the one you find so pleasing to sit in that you can't wait to come home to it. Now imagine deciding that you like it so much, you want to take it with you everywhere you go. How impractical is that? We have to pick up and put down the good things in our lives - and the bad ones too. An awkward issue in your emotional life keeps nagging away. Of course, you must give it time and attention but it need not accompany you on every expedition! Leave it alone and it may yet return the favour.


You know what it is that you want. Maybe, though, you are not so sure that you dare tell someone else. Or maybe you feel you cannot even acknowledge this to yourself. How do you reconcile the need to be honest with the need to be sensitive? Begin, at least, by inwardly facing up to whatever you may be trying to hide. Maybe there is no action you can take now regarding this - and maybe you do have to hold something back. But even if you are suppressing something, you need to be clear about what - and why!


Why can't things go well? Do you fear that, because an arrangement has a history of going wrong, it is bound to go wrong now? That's like assuming that an intermittent fault in a machine will always manifest itself. If it's intermittent, there will be times when you don't suffer from it. In your emotional reaction to a sensitive situation, you are forgetting the distinction between 'often' and 'always'. Glorious moments come even to the most unhappy situations. Wise folk are always wary lest trouble comes - but they don't let this daunt them.


Is your home your castle? Is your family life happy? Are you proud of your past? Do all your earliest recollections please you? Where you don't feel able to reply with a wholehearted 'yes' to any of these questions, be careful. You may be about to discover that you have been drawing a veil over memories that you might prefer to forget. Even if so, though, you will soon be helped to feel positive, even about an event that it is too late to change. This will empower you to enjoy the present and to improve the future.


If you can dream it, you can do it. Well, perhaps not literally... but in essence at least. You should be thinking about yourself now as someone with special powers and liberties. You should be looking at the restrictions you face and asking: why must I be bound by these? You should be willing to try both new ideas and old ones; ones that you have tried before without success. You have got some great ideas. You've also got some very real opportunities. Use your discrimination but remember you deserve a happier life.


You don't want to go swinging from one extreme to another. This may sound like obvious advice but you now face special circumstances. Something or someone is getting to you. A nagging concern is frustrating you and filling you with exasperation. In an attempt to escape what you see as an oppressive situation, you may feel willing to explore dramatic, decisive alternatives. Such alternatives do, indeed, exist. These, though, are more likely to take you from the frying pan to the fire than they are to set you free.


It's not what you do; it's the way that you do it. You can get away with a lot if you adopt the right attitude. Equally, if you become morose or manic, you can suddenly find that your options have become severely restricted. Nothing feels right when you don't feel right. Everything has potential when you are willing to make room for a little magic in your life. How much control do you have over your own emotions now? More than you might imagine. Draw a deep breath, shake away the shadow and let some light shine in.


Regardless of your worldly status, you now have a priceless understanding of an emotional matter. Quite why others can't see what to you has become so obvious is a moot point - but then, until recently, you couldn't see it either, could you? As the implications of a recent revelation begin to sink in, you will feel free to make many bold choices. Don't worry that someone may oppose you or resent your approach. If you persevere with sensitivity and confidence, they will simply be impressed, inspired and relieved.


Though we all often fantasise about being wealthy, looked up to or loved, what we actually want is to be secure, strong, self-contained and content. Our yearning for such an experience is the driving force behind our every move. We seek this when we are happy and when we are sad - yet it often seems that, the more we seek it, the more it eludes us. That's because we imagine it only lies in status or circumstance. But if you seek honesty, simplicity and faith in your emotional life now, all the rest will come.


There's nothing wrong with getting it wrong. There's nothing problematic about having a problem. If you really had nothing to worry about, you'd have something to worry about! Life is all about challenge. It is about growth, discovery, education and elevation. It is about the quest for enlightenment. It is about going beyond entrenched attitudes and opinions. Opening the mind... and the heart. It's the greatest difficulty in your emotional life that will help you most with all of this now, not your source of comfort.


Most people prefer to keep their difficulties out of sight. They hide them away in the hope that they will magically vanish. Sometimes, this policy pays off. Some awkward issues really do disappear if they are left alone. But others do no such thing. They get worse. Now, you have no option to pretend. You face a real, obvious obstacle that you can neither disguise nor avoid. Happily, it is of the type that will improve if it is given attention - and that will intensify if ignored. Even more happily, you have all you need to put things right.



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