东营_Jonathan Cainer约纳逊0119-0125爱情周运_胜利社区_东营论坛_谈婚论嫁



Jonathan Cainer约纳逊0119-0125爱情周运

发表于 2014-1-22 13:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自:山东省
What are we doing here? None of us really know - yet this doesn't prevent us from experiencing stress and tension. We worry about 'getting it wrong' - yet how are we supposed to know if we are getting it right? We pursue wealth - even though it is obvious that the rich are no happier than the poor. We seek status - even though it is clear that some idiots occupy positions of great authority. Coming events in your emotional world will show you something about what life really means. They will yet prove priceless.


Bad things and good things are not always different things. All coins have two sides. All situations have advantages and drawbacks. We forget this. We see, for example, a lottery win as 'good'. We see the loss of some cherished person or possession as 'bad'. But there's sweetness in sorrow, just as there's sometimes a hidden pain in a situation one might expect to be pleasurable. Try not to look superficially at current developments in your emotional life. Think deep thoughts and you'll make wise choices.


How hopeful is your heart? How full of opportunity is your future? Prepare to find out. You need to believe in yourself to the point where you feel strong enough to explore some avenue you might normally be afraid to go down. Fearful people tend to think narrow thoughts and lead lives that are not as productive as they could be. They don't stray far from their familiar paths and thus they rarely make incredible discoveries. But you are about to lose a fear... and make a wonderful gain in your emotional life.


Can you put in more effort? Can you strive with more determination? Can you spare more hours? Perhaps you could stop sleeping. Just think how much time you could claw back then. Perhaps you could clone yourself - then (maybe) you would manage to please all the people who seem to want you to be in so many different places at once. There are pressures on you now, but there are also great rewards on your horizon. To claim these you don't have to work as hard or worry as much as you think.


In your emotional life now, you are starting to gather impressive momentum. You are achieving the kind of change that once you could only dream of. The trouble is, you are not completely convinced about all of this. A part of you wonders if it is not too sudden and irreversible. You could wonder as much as you like. There really is no way to turn back time. Nor is there any need to feel that this would be a desirable facility. You have been waiting a long time for the advantage and finally, you are starting to enjoy it.


Why don't people do what they say they are going to do? Why, if they are not intending to honour their promises, don't they just admit as much and save others the trouble of making arrangements that then start to unravel. Someone's unreliability is bugging you. So too is the precarious nature of your position. So much is seemingly out of your control. Yet as you will soon find out, the current state of affairs is to your advantage. The state of flux you find yourself in represents an opportunity to find new strength.


You have powerful passions and very deep yearnings. You care a lot about people and situations. You are just as prone to intense, irrational experiences as anyone else. What marks you out as different is your ability to rise above such feelings as and when you need to. Currently, you face a situation in your emotional life where there is simply no point in indulging a mood, no matter how justified. You know this. You also know that issues and problems must be sorted out. That's precisely what's going to happen.


Another week, another drama in your emotional life? Another obstacle to progress? Another awkward conflict? Another wrestling match with ridiculous rules? Another reason to feel that everything is against you? Or does this just add up to another chance to show us all what you are made of and to thrive, despite the adversity you face? This is another opportunity to shrug off disappointments and focus on positive developments. It is your chance to take another step closer to a brighter, happier, future.


To your left, there's a ferocious dragon. To your right, an enemy army. An earthquake is about to tear the ground below you asunder. You have to do something... but what? Stop and reconsider. Is that a dragon, or just a tiny lizard behind a magnifying glass? Is that an army or just a marching band? Is the earth really moving or are you just getting a bit overexcited? Your imagination is working very well at the moment. Perhaps a little too well. If you're going to use it, make it work for you. Imagine something wonderful.


When people make mistakes, they incur disapproval. Others look at them askance - and they give themselves a hard time too. This global 'intolerance of error' results in a culture of fear and stupidity. We become so scared of 'getting it wrong' that we never allow ourselves to take a risk - or we develop a shell of arrogance which lets us deny that we have ever got anything wrong. What's needed in your emotional life now is growth, the kind that can only come through the willingness to learn lessons. Be softer and wiser.


Cooks, explorers and jazz musicians know how to improvise. As long as they are sure enough of a basic structure, they can depart from (and return to) it at will. Folk who make things up on the spur of the moment are only likely to end up lost when they extemporise on a theme that they are not so familiar with. Be reassured as you now consider your options. You are keen to embark on an adventure in your emotional life. Circumstances so far have not made this feasible. But it is safe to create a little spontaneous magic.


You can't really ask a saxophonist to play quietly. Or rather, you can - and they can try to oblige, but they are still going to be very noisy. It's like asking an elephant to tread gently or a Piscean to avoid asking awkward questions. You are only now doing what comes naturally to you and there is no reason to assume that this is in any way wrong. Regardless of the impact it may be having on your popularity or of the apparent stability of a sensitive relationship, you are doing what you must do. And that has to be right.



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