东营_比利时乐迈地板-唯有经典才不会被淘汰 Flooring can be timeless_胜利社区_东营论坛_装修大本营



[推荐] 比利时乐迈地板---唯有经典才不会被淘汰 Flooring can be timeless

发表于 2015-9-22 20:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自:山东省
本帖最后由 乐迈地板 于 2015-9-22 20:11 编辑

经典、精致,如钻石般永恒。Flooring can be as timeless and female as a diamond ring.
Nothing says simple, timeless sophistication quite like a timeless diamond ring. QQ图片20150922195601.jpg
实木地板因其耐用和自然美而深受大众喜欢。它的经典外观与室内设计和家庭主题完美相融。如果您想体现一种整体性,那实木地板是比较理想的选择 。Hardwood flooring is favored by many for its durability and natural beauty. Its classic looks blend and harmonize with interior design and home theme. Wood is the ideal choice if you want to create continuity among the rooms in your house.01普兰泰申橡木地板的独特之处体现在它与众不同的外观。
The charming qualities ofPlantationoak parquet reside in its unique look.

TheVintagecollection is a rustic oak engineered parquet with natural saw mark effects. QQ图片20150922195550.jpg
03柯太基系列模仿传统油漆地板的外观,采用了独特的哑光表面,提供精致的地板颜色。Cottageprovides beautiful colors in a unique finish, which mimics the distinguished look of a traditional oiled floor. QQ图片20150922195519.jpg
04莫扎特系列主推传统颜色,表面光滑,易清洁打理。Mozartprovides traditional colors with a smooth, easy to clean surface.
地板也可以是永恒、优雅的,正如每个女人都必备的经典小黑裙。Flooring can be as timeless and elegant as every woman’s timeless little black dress.不管是职场、约会还是平时随意穿搭,小黑裙总能hold住一切场合。当你不知道穿什么时,小黑裙绝对是你的理想之选。如果一个女性希望看上去优雅时尚,那么就选择小黑裙吧。
The dress that can be worn to work, dressed up for a date, and dressed down for casual wear. It’s one of those ideal “when in doubt” items, when women want to look classic, sharp, and fashionable – no matter what.强化地板强化地板的优势不仅在于易于保养,更在于它具有各种各样的颜色、风格和花色。Laminate flooring is not only easy to maintain, they also come with a variety of colors, styles, and patterns.

01乐迈佛罗伦萨系列带来混款地板理念-让您的家焕然一新。 这样的地板在今天仍还是比较少见,特别的。Lamett brings with theFlorencecollection - a blended width flooring concept - real innovation in your home. Not often do you see today a floor that is at the same time eccentric and timeless. The collection contains visuals in oak, hickory as well as in acacia. QQ图片20150922195546.jpg
02兼具传统经典和现代风,这样的地板能使房间带来生气。拼花系列将不同尺寸的木种组合在一起,形成一种几何学风。Perfect for both classic and contemporary interiors, this trend setting collection by Lamett will bring life to the room. Parquetry is a geometric mosaic of different sized wood pieces carefully studied to fit together. QQ图片20150922195539.jpg
03复兴宝石系列故意做旧的结疤、裂痕,模仿怀旧乡村风的实木地板,让人难以跟真正的实木区分。Saphirre's elegant knots and deep cracks are in other words the perfect imitation of rustic wood floor. This laminate can hardly be distinguished from real parquet.


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发表于 2015-9-23 09:22 | 显示全部楼层 来自:河北省
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